If you follow my personal instagram page, then you know that I love juices (I occasionally add them to my stories.) Juicing gets me excited. Most mornings, I drink a glass of juice after I finish my smoothie. There are so many recipes that I am happy to share with you. But, not only that, I want to explain what the benefits are from juicing different fruits and vegetables.

Juicing is one of those practices that brings people from all lifestyles together. I’ve met cancer patients, people suffering with diabetes, professional vegan athletes, and people who may never be vegan. It’s for all ages and it’s a healthy habit to have. I started frequenting a juice bar eleven years ago. Shout out Juices Wild! I live in another state now and I make the majority of my juices at home. There are some good options here in Raleigh though. I’ll probably shout them out in future posts and share more from their menus. So, here’s why I juice.

First of all, I have so much more energy to sustain me throughout the day when I juice. Secondly, it’s raw. So, you get more benefits than from cooking. It’s really filling and when combined with my morning smoothie, I consume more than most do for breakfast. Juicing gives the body concentrated nutrients and enzymes which help regenerate cell’s, tissues, glands, and organs. It’s healing! When you extract juice from fruit and veggies, you lose the fiber in the pulp that you leave behind. So, beware, this isn’t a source of fiber (hints why I smoothie. Yes, let’s make this a phrase, “I smoothie.”) But, don’t be turned off by this, it’s actually a good thing that the fiber is lost! Your body is able to quickly digest the phytochemicals that are extracted from the produce, making it easier to be absorbed. 20180103_112939(1)I juice every other day. I keep my leftovers in a jar in our fridge for the following day. Fresh juice doesn’t last longer than that. This particular juice is made up of two simple ingredients: Fugi Apples and Ginger.

Apple juice contains malic acid which helps normalize intestines. It also detoxes your body and can help liver function. It can reduce LDL cholesterol, and it’s full of antioxidants and potassium. It helps fight viral infections (you know what the Dr says.) It also heals internal inflammation. Apple juice helps regulate blood sugar levels, and decrease blood sugar.

I drink ginger to help heal my abdominal pain and alleviate nausea that I often get from Endo. I add it to almost every juice that I make! I usually have a carrot and ginger juice. But, I got a great deal on apples and couldn’t resist this combo (which tastes great.) Ginger is loaded with vitamin C, which helps produce collagen and  helps fight environmental toxins. It helps boost your immune system, and the flavor is a nice kick to get your day started (sometimes I juice it alone and drink it like one would take a shot of liquor. I even have a shot glass for it.)

That’s all for today. Join me next week as I share how I got those apples so cheap. Thank you for reading. Are you addicted to juicing? Have you ever tried a juice that you couldn’t stomach? Leave your comments below and keep it friendly!

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